Gov. Lamont, his neighbors fined $1,000 each for illegally removing trees from shared land in Greenwich

The Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Agency fined Gov. Ned Lamont and his neighbors for illegally removing at least 180 trees from shared land in Greenwich last year.
A special meeting by the Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Agency on Thursday ordered the Lamonts, the Viks and the Ashton Drive Association, a neighborhood association that owns nearby land, to each pay a municipal fine of $1,000.
The removal of trees from the protected wetlands near his property took place without the proper permits back in November 2023.
A neighbor complained about the removal of the trees and the issue was brought up at a special meeting back in April.
Gov. Lamont said he assumed responsibility for the incident.
"I think at the end of the day, I'm responsible, and the association is. They hired a contractor to do the work. I think the contractor, frankly, went beyond the scope a little bit," Lamont said to News12 in April.